Dr. Ahmed Neanaa (Egypt)
Born in 1945 of Egyptian origin, Sheikh Ahmed Neanaa is a pediatrician with a master’s and Ph.D. in pediatric medicine. He memorised the Qur’an by age 8 and mastered the art of Tajweed under Sheikh Ahmad Al Shawa’s guidance. Inspired by the renowned reciter Sheikh Mustafa Ismail, he dedicated himself to perfecting
Qur’anic recitation.
In Dawah
50+ years
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He later studied the Ten Readings under Sheikh Mohammad Farid Al Noamani and Sheikha Um Saad. In 1967, Egyptian President Anwar Sadat recognised his exceptional recitation and appointed him as a designated doctor on his secretariat team. This led to his title as the “Presidency Qur’an Reader,” a position he held during Sadat’s and Hosni Mubarak’s presidencies.